Primary Classroom News

Prep A

The beginning of Prep is an extremely busy time for the children, parents and their teachers. There a lot of very tired faces at school by the end of the day. In class everything is new. Things that as adults seem to be really simple, like finding your lunchbox or using scissors require a lot of mental effort for children. Learning to follow classroom routines and listening to instructions can be very difficult. Over time these things will all become second nature to our little Preps and they will be confident happy 'big' kids by the time they head off into Grade One.

During mathematics the Prep A children have been showing off their counting skills on the abacus. Children learn to love the abacus and using it as a tool to count. Understanding number requires leaning the sequence of numbers, learning to match a number to an object as you count and learning to recognise how many objects are in a small group without counting. Most adults would know that there is three without counting the dots. Playing games that involve dice at home is a great way to develop these skills.

The Preps have also been recording how many days they have been at school on a number line outside the classroom. The children will have a celebration day when they reach 100 days. I wonder how long that line of number will be by the time we reach 100?

Ms Jennifer Temple